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I bought steam version, but this game don´t run. Archieve.exe is missing...Please repair it on steam. Help !!!

Hi I am sorry to hear that, I will look into the issue and upload a fix today 

I have updated the game now (It was due to a namechange in exe file, for some reason steam didn't update it automatically). Please let me know if it works for you now. Thank you

Yes, Fixed now. Thanks a Lot. The game is awesome.

(1 edit)

Great, thanks for buying the game. Consider leaving a review on steam, it really helps a lot :)


Actually a very sweet game after a longer time, It's very unique in my opinion and I think that the characters are very cute! keep on doing a great job and have a blessful rest of your day! <3

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. I plan on adding more characters and secret levels in the future 

That sounds wonderful :D I look foward to it <3

When I open it up the game doesn't play properly, it'll get past the initial PocketAce logo screen before going into an empty white screen 

Game looks super interesting though

Hi, thanks for trying out the game. I have been trying to replicate the bug you mention on a few different devices, but have been unsuccessful. If you want to help me fix the issue, you are welcome to contact me on my support mail. Thank you